Conversion Rate Calculator:
Uncover your website potential
Try to be as accurate as you can. All of this information should be in
your Google Analytics account. Contact your marketing team to help get the numbers.
Where should we send the report?

Current Site Performance
Your Conversion Rate (CR)
#Monthly Visits
#Current Site Conversion Rate
Value of a Lead/Purchase/Conversion
Estimated Annual Website Revenue
Estimated Monthly Website Revenue
Projected Site Performance With CRO
New Projected Monthly Revenue:
Projected Monthly Performance:
Projected Increase in Conversion Rate
Projected Conversion Rate = conversion volume / visits
Revenue = conversion value * conversion volume
Projected increase in conversion rate
Projected Annual Revenue with CRO Lift
Where should we send the report?

Tell us how to reach you:

If you are interested in a free CRO audit or want to learn more about our conversion rate optimization services, feel free to reach out.