Cameron Knight
Senior Digital Marketing Analyst
What is your background?
I grew up in Green Bay, Wisconsin (Go Pack Go). Both of my parents were business owners and photography-focused, so I’ve always been interested in the creative aspects of business activities. I studied digital marketing in college in Wisconsin and my interest in paid advertising came in one of my final courses. Since then, I have owned and operated my own 4-acre Sunflower Field from 2016-2021, and I used the profits to pay off my college tuition. It was an amazing experience where I found an opportunity to apply and grow my skillset and market to a local community that had loved this tiny field right in the heart of Green Bay. As a lifelong learner, I am always eager to advance my marketing knowledge and find very creative ways to utilize it within all teams I’m lucky to be a member of!
What are your responsibilities at (un)Common Logic?
I am responsible for making sure each account is performing up to (un)Common Logic's high standards and that all communication to management is clear and concise. This helps with my role in creating new value for my team, but also in making sure we are consistently exceeding our client’s goals.
What's your favorite thing about working at (un)Common Logic?
My favorite thing has to be the level of support by and reliability of this team. Each person has a fresh perspective on what is best, and with marketing it’s often subjective what activity will yield the greatest impact. Ultimately, it’s really cool to be on a team that works so hard, but is ALWAYS available for questions/review to ensure we’re all delivering excellence in everything we do.
What's the most challenging aspect of your job?
The most challenging part of the job would be the connection we maintain with our client’s goals. Sometimes it is hard to step away and think holistically, as we do so many different account maintenance activities, to make sure we’re meeting the high standards we have for our executing client’s goals. This is also one of the best aspects, that we all really have a stakeholder mindset with each of our clients and we really do care as much as we say we do.
Anything big happening this year outside of work?
I’m working on a few different personal video series that have been taking a lot of my time outside of work. I have a list of about 100 different video ideas/themes I want to create that have come from random drive homes at golden hour, at 3:40am when I can’t sleep, or when I’m at my cousin’s wedding (not proud of that one). It’s always a constant urge to create and I hope I can someday create some really exciting internal videos for (un)Common Logic!
What makes Austin special?
“Austin-Casual.” It’s the people and the mindset. Despite there being constant activities every day outside of your typical bar scene, it seems like people really just let everyone live without any judgement whatsoever. You want to wear pajamas to brunch? Perfect. You want to walk into a dive bar wearing a tuxedo? That’s great! You want to wear a rubber ducky costume on your walk along Lady Bird Lake (it’s happened)? Do it! It’s the best feeling to have a community that is super motivated in their careers while being able to express themselves on the side which is why I’m obsessed with Austin.
What makes you (un)Common?
I like to look for system improvements in almost anything I do. If someone asks for a deliverable from me, I’ll likely think through how I can do it most efficiently, but also see how I can teach the team on what works best for me so we can collectively improve every day!
What's the story you love to tell or the trick you love to do at parties?
I love telling the story of my dad & I going to Burning Man the day before it started. We called each other at 9pm two nights before it started. The conversation went something like this: Dad: Scale of 1-10, how bad do you want to go to Burning Man? Me: 9, but only because we haven’t planned anything. Dad: Conceptually, I’m at about a 12/10, I just bought two tickets and will be picking you up in 4 hours. Be ready. We drove 40 hours across the country and attended the week-long arts/music festival together. I was given the Burner name “Sand-Shake” because I accidentally drank a sandy milkshake after we experienced a whiteout.